Sunday, May 17, 2015

My Fat LOSS journey

Here goes nothing. I am posting this for accountability and I want to see the journey. The journey is losing weight.
 Current stats:
 Male Height :6'0"
 Weight: 299.8 lbs
Pant size 42
That is me on the left with blue stripped shirt. I have large belly. This picture accentuates a whole lot more because I was doing the sorority girl snap back with front foot turned in. Yeah, it doesn't make me look smaller. Silly girls.
 Plan: Well I have read 3 diet/ workout books in the past week. So I am going with this morphed version I have concocted. 
The WORKOUT: (Mainly the ABS DIET workout)
 Monday, Wednesday, Fridays- Circuit weight training of whole body with four exercises for ABS for one circuit. (I am member of Snapfitness.)
Tuesday and Thursday- Cardio for 30 minutes. My cardio will be cycling. I have a roadie and love it.
Saturdays- AB training with a Hight Interval Training
Sundays- Chillax with Jesus.
 DIET: I have read the GRAIN BRAIN. It is an incredible read. My plan is 3 meals with 3 snacks consisting of nuts, vegetables, protein and fruit. I like the Paleo diet but I love dairy so I am going with yogurt and cheese. I have read some orthomolecular articles on the greatness of Calcium in your diet. Well that is the plan.
 My Goals:
6 weeks: 20 pounds I am preaching the wedding of the dude in the middle of the picturewith me. The preacher has got to be looking for the wedding. (FYI: The gorgeous woman in the pic is my beautiful wife. I love her and she is seven years younger than me. I am doing this because I want to be around for her and my two kids. Plus, I do not want her to get my life insurance money.) 
3 month: 45 pounds
 Christmas: 75 pounds
 5/17/2016: 100 lbs It is my 25th high school reunion next year and I hope to make the ladies in my class jealous for not taking me up on those dates. Here is to the journey beginning....PRAY!

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